I must say, I'm happy to be writing this You Yangs post. It's Friday afternoon, work is done, it's still daylight, yet I feel like going to bed. Talk about feeling stuffed. The bonus is this entry will be quick …
Category: You Yangs

Flinders Peak, You Yangs Regional Park
Initially I wasn't going to write this post, as it's not really a hike or a walk. Yeah okay, technically it's a walk, as one foot goes in front of the other. It's such a short stroll though to the …

Big Rock Walk, You Yangs Regional Park
This is a 'two for one' combo of walks that didn't really work out. I ended up with photos for both trips, so I might as well just post them together. It's also a chance to do a quick entry …

Cancelled hike leads to Mad Max, Little River
I thought I'd publish a quick entry now, instead of racing to finish another I'm writing, which seems to be taking ages. I guess the walk I'm writing up could be labelled 'King Fiasco', as it's full of dramas. Falls, …