Here's an original posting technique. I began writing it, but after a few days of toil, I suddenly realised it was about 4000 words. Huh? Clearly this is insane, so I've decided to split it into two parts. I need …
Hiking Fiasco. The Resurrection.
Guess what? I'm back! Actually, come to think of it, are you sick of me saying those same words? As the long suffering reader of this place knows, I do have a love/hate relationship with blogging. At times I'm high …
Five Rivers Lookout, Wyndham. Western Australia
Are you wondering what's going on with the undistinguished photo above? It's the headline picture for this entry and it's meant to be what WordPress calls a 'featured image'. You know, an opening salvo for a post, which upon sighting, …
Trentham Falls, Trentham, Victoria
Are you getting sick of waterfalls yet? Seeing how it's the third post in a row on the same subject, I thought you might be feeling the pinch. I've got a disclaimer though. It's winter, so it's officially the time …