I must admit, I’ve always had a soft spot for Salvador Dali and his melting clocks. I guess this is natures equivalent.
Here’s a folded leaf within Coliban Channel at Mandurang. Funnily enough, it actually reflects how I felt at the time. A long, dusty walk with minimal shade under the summer sun certainly left me with a wilting feeling.
Salvidore Dali has some interesting pieces. As an art student many moons ago, I had to spend a semester copying the works of great artists to appreciate their range of styles and subjects. I did Dali's "The Burning Giraffe." I can't remember why, but I appreciated the dream/nightmare quality of some of his pics and so perhaps I was feeling particularly moody at the time. Your leaf looks more like the texture of melted chocolate, marzipan or very soft playdough than an actual leaf so I can see why it reminds you of "Melted Clocks". I like how the flat red coloured leaf contrasts with the clear glistening moving fluid background. Leaf and water magic. 🙂
*Salvidor 🙂 My ancient foggy brain needs some maintenance.
*Salvador! 🙁
The NGV exhibition of Dali was one of the best I'd ever seen. Those melting clock paintings are insanely vivid in real life, but the exhibition had things I'd never seen. Fantastic, traditional landscape paintings he did when he was younger. He had plenty of tricks. Really fascinating.
This walk was hot, dry and literally, this is the only photo I considered using. It was slim pickings and really, it sort of cancels out writing a post about it.
Love the contrast of colours and how the water can be seen diverging around the stick before rejoin the rest of the water.
This channel goes for miles and it was generally pretty nondescript stuff. Funny how one stick ended up giving me a photo by trapping the leaf! If the countryside is pretty bare for landscapes then I try and spot a small detail somewhere which will be photogenic. In a whole day of walking, this was the only thing 🙂