Are you glad it’s the end of the working week? Back in 1953, in Dad’s world, it wasn’t all fun and frivolity during a Friday evening. He kept dozens of diaries, but not all entries are show stoppers. I must admit though, he was pretty succinct.

Are you glad it’s the end of the working week? Back in 1953, in Dad’s world, it wasn’t all fun and frivolity during a Friday evening. He kept dozens of diaries, but not all entries are show stoppers. I must admit though, he was pretty succinct.
Your dad was mighty succinct! Your post raises lots of questions in my mind though. What are the other entries like? It's pretty amazing to have a parent's diaries like this, especially kept by a man. Did they reveal any family skeletons or scandals or talk about world events, or were they more an insight into the drudgery of a hard working life back then? Are all the entries this succinct? I'm intrigued. He has rather interesting hand-writing for someone of his generation, well at least he does compared to all my ancient relatives. Thanks for these daily surprises. I can't predict what you will come up with next. 🙂
Posthumous congrats to your dad – his Fridays were more fun back then than mine are now. I was gonna say maybe 1953 was a dull year, but among other highlights, Everest was climbed and Marilyn M did her first Playboy centrefold! Also, I believe your father would have thrived on Twitter!~
No, there is not a hint of anything controversial in his diaries. I reckon they need their own post, as literally I've got about 50 of them. English wasn't his first language, so it's interesting he actually wrote these in English. He came to Australia in 1948. I guess if was still in Cyprus he would have written them in Greek. Maybe!
Oh, don't get too excited. There are plenty of dull pictures to come!
Goat, yeah, not a lot changes over the years? I've had Fridays, where instead of celebrating the end of the week, I'm in bed by 8 pm!
1953? Yes, you're right. Plenty going on! He liked his newspaper and wireless, so he would have been all over that news! Twitter… Now that's an idea. I could create an account for him and tweet his diary entries, as they're all as short as the ones in this photo. Mm…
I really, really like your blog Greg, and very much enjoy your writing style. And you're a The Wire fan so you must be orrite. I've only just discovered you so have lots to catch up on….can't remember how now – oh yeah maybe in looking for reviews of the LightHeart Gear tents! Anyway, you rock! Cheers, Jenni
Hi Jenni, Thank you! Glad you've liked coming here. It took me a while to work out where The Wire reference came from, but then I realised it's in my 'essential gear' photo 🙂 I really wanted to do more gear reviews, but it can be a little tedious!
Ah yes, my Lightheart tent. I think I've had a few good years out of it? If I get another, I probably wouldn't order it in sky blue. Hard to be stealthy in it 🙂
Oh, I'll be keeping an eye on your blog to see how you go on the PCT. Regarding the Triple Crown, the PCT is the one I always wanted to do, as it seemed the most nicely variable in terrain and not the most popular. Well, that seems to have changed 🙂 I hope it goes well for you!