Nothing beats hanging around a ghost town at night. Is the area haunted? My built-in sceptic says there are no such things, but standing in the dark on a track called Deadmans Loop, it’s easy to let the mind wander.

Nothing beats hanging around a ghost town at night. Is the area haunted? My built-in sceptic says there are no such things, but standing in the dark on a track called Deadmans Loop, it’s easy to let the mind wander.
Hi Greg nothing like a bit of spookiness to get the old mind playing tricks . Love your blog great work.
I love what you've done with this shot. Super creepy atmosphere! It's also rather beautiful at the same time with the twinkling stars above and the silhouettes of the trees. Nice composition. I would have loved to have experienced this myself…perhaps! I have a very suggestible mind! 🙂
Hi Philip, If I'm on my own in the bush at night, I'm either non-plussed or shit scared. It just depends if my mind wants to go wandering 🙂 I blame Picnic at Hanging Rock for ruining peaceful thoughts during a night in Australian bush!
Thanks! The usual shot of this building is without the trees. Walk 20 feet to the side and the building sits nice and open. Why go the normal route though? It's actually cropped, as I included a large tree to the right as well, to sort of frame it, but I thought it detracted too much, as it's pretty big, so I gave it the arse 🙂 Yeah, I also wanted to be lower than the building, so I could sneak some stars in!
It's also black and white because daylight saving means it takes forever to get dark! I was getting sleepy, whilst waiting for the sky to darken, which takes well over an hour after sunset. Just to make things more problematic, I couldn't balance the light properly, so this is a 30 second exposure, but I've illuminated the building with a broad beam from a torch. Without it, I'd have to go for about 3 or 4 minutes exposure-wise, not to mention upping the ISO, which I try to avoid. No wonder this crap gets frustrating 🙂
I really shouldn't have been too perturbed by phantoms of the night, as I was too busy trying to get the stinkin' photo!
Very effective in black and white especially with the stars behind. I love the nights, and the various sounds you here, especially the owls. However, during the winter where I live the 14 hour nights can be a bit of a challenge, you need a good book and mattress.
Yeah, I didn't intend it to be in black and white, but the sky still had a bit too much light in it, even with the stars showing. It just looked weird, so best to suck the colour out!
14 hour nights in winter? Sounds perfect for hibernation!