Okay, I give in. I’m officially giving the Great South West Walk posts a bit of a rest for a few weeks. You might be getting bored reading about that eternal trip, but what about me? I had to walk it, plus write it up as well. How about some sympathy for me? No wonder I’m on anti-depressants.
Instead, I’ve decided to put together a quick-fire entry about a few things that have been going on lately. I came up with the following topics which consist of clouds, cameras, and AARN Featherlite backpack. Oh, plus cycling, swimming and further discoveries amongst the piles of stuff that dad left behind.
That’s obviously too much for one post, so I’ve split them and will continue with the rest next time. Mind you, there’s not a lot about walking, as I’ve officially given up for the past week or so. Full time work and some bizarro heatwave that’s left me with a permanent heavy head. My bedroom is so hot it feels as if I’m breathing through a mouthful of cotton wool balls, so sleep (and oxygen) is very much requested.
First of all, I bought a new camera. Did I need a new one? No, not really and especially not the one I ended up with. I’ve looked at a few that would be easy to carry whilst walking, but in the end I decided to get the Canon 6D which is the complete opposite of what I was initially looking for. I’ve always wanted to step to a full-frame DSLR and this seemed quite a reasonable price to get there.
Oh yeah, I bought it as a grey import which was always on the cards when I found out it’s $750 cheaper than buying it in a shop here. Can this price difference be possible? There’s always the warranty problem, but for $750 I think it’s worth the risk. Anyway, it has the 24-105 mm L-Series lens which is my first introduction to the build and optical quality of Canon’s premium lenses. Here it is in my kitchen studio.
The first thing I did was throw the official Canon strap with the cameras name emblazoned all over it in bold letters to the back of the wardrobe. Straps like that make feel traumatized, which may reflect on me as a bit of a wanker more than anything else.
Instead, I’m using a Lowepro strap, which is wider, more comfortable and has a pouch to slip a spare memory card into. That’s more like my style. There are a a couple of reasons why I might not use this camera on an extended hike though. Firstly, I’m bound to destroy it and secondly, it’s a bit weighty.
Actually, just over 1.5 kg is okay on a daywalk, but it’s unlikely to come along on a weekly jaunt. Anyway, since it appears Earth has swapped places with Mercury this past week, I haven’t really had a chance to take pictures. The Cumulonimbus Calvus post a few weeks ago has been its only real outing and it seemed to go fine.
If you didn’t already know, I’m generally quite demanding of my cameras, but I’ve become an expert at simple fixes. If you want some repairs done, then I’m your bloke. Here I am after successfully removing a particularly stubborn UV filter on the end of a lens. With a hacksaw and pliers.
As you can see I tend to use simple, subtle techniques and tools for my repairs. Feel free to drop any gear off and you know I’ll take good care of it.
Now, hiking plans. I’ve got a couple of months of work coming up (yay for me) and I’d put a lot of planning into a tilt at the Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT) starting in late March. I figured at the least I’d do the initial section of Walhalla to Hotham which is about 16 to 18 days of walking and roughly 220 km. Well, that was a great plan until bushfires started more or less everywhere in mid-January. I was looking at the official Country Fire Authority (CFA) website in February and noted there were fires all over the state. Here’s the screenshot I took.
In particular, a nasty fire slap-bang in the middle of Mount Hotham. This was where one of my intended food drops was going to be and once the highway to Hotham was closed, I just looked at myself and said, “What are you doing? Forget it!” Planning a hike like that in autumn after a hot summer was insane. Lack of water and fire risk meant I lost interest and I’ve decided that if I attempt it, then spring would make more sense. At least there might be some water around.
Now, this is where the new backpack comes in. During the planning for the AAWT I was wondering how much weight I should carry with particular attention to water. If only they could make dehydrated water? It’s heavy stuff and frankly, my neck can’t take a lot of pack weight any more. I’ve had dodgy neck for a few years now and was actually down to have a ‘C6/7 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion operation’. Instead, I went for quick fix and had a temporary treatment of a cortisone injection into one of the troublesome spots. It’s not too bad, but I’ll revisit that when I do the cycling post next time.
So, how to carry a lot of weight if required? Well, I’ve gone for something a little radical and purchased an AARN Featherlite Freedom backpack from the Backpacking Light store in Melbourne. That’s the only store that sells them and there’s quite a competition with the staff as to who’s the ‘ultimate AARN backpack fitter’. Here we are in the kitchen studio again.

AARN Featherlite Freedom
I’ve looked at AARN packs before and they’ve always appeared a little wild, with the heaviest items carried in front pockets. In theory it makes sense and they’re raved about by anyone who’s used one extensively.
I must say I wasn’t sold on the idea until trying one on in the store. It was loaded with 16 kg and it didn’t feel like I had that weight on my back. Instead it felt more like a heavy daypack. Sure it might be the placebo pocket effect taking charge, which I believe is an actual condition.
The front pockets do seem a little weird though and I wonder what they’d be like to walk in? Restrictive view down? Get in the way? What about during some scrambling? Well, I had to try it out, so I ventured out to test them whilst climbing a vertical cliff-face.

Vertical wall climbing
I loaded the front pockets whilst free-climbing this vertical face and it didn’t feel too bad. It was a tough climb as well, so it’s lucky there were some drinks on offer on the way up.
So, the pack is kinda sorted, but it’s going on a couple of trips before heading to the Northern Territory, just in case I despise it in actual use.
Now, to finish off you’ll be pleased to know I’m now an official member of the Cloud Appreciation Society. I’m a big cloud fan and it probably explains why my neck is so creaky. All of those years with my head flung back, horizontal to the ground whilst perusing the sky is bound to cause some aggravation. It was quite a big day opening the gift box. Look at some of the treasures I now have! How about the cloud mug…?
The cloud tea towel…!
The cloud collector’s handbook…
…personally signed by the Society founder, Gavin Pretor-Pinney…!
There’s other stuff as well, but I can’t show it all. In order to finish this post off, the last item you have to see is the framed certificate which now sits amongst other quality items on my mantelpiece.
It was a big day, but before displaying I noticed that the trinket collection was a little dusty. There definitely had to be some cleaning and the Father Bob bobblehead needed a bit of an extra spruce up with the Spin Duster. As you can see, I think he enjoyed it…
Your scrambling puts me in mind of this video Greg! 🙂 http://bit.ly/2cTGnGg
You can never have enough cameras! Congrats on your latest addition.
Hey Paul, 'North Face of Uxbridge Road', that's a classic and I haven't seen it for years! My actual inspiration was the original 'Batman' TV series which is slightly crappier than Monty Python!
Thanks Linda! It's completely absurd really, but it will be fine for my day walks. If I do some work on my biceps I might consider taking it on a long hike 🙂
While I'm glad the Aarn pack worked for you on your climb, I'd love to know how it worked for you while walking. I've just ordered a pack from Aarn and while I believe that it all makes sense in theory I'm not totally convinced aout the practice. And did you try your pack without those balance packs?
Sadly I couldn't try them before I bought one, because they are more or less unknown in Germany where I live.
Hi Karl, thanks for dropping by.
I must say I'm lucky here, as I was well and truly fitted at the shop I bought it from. I don't think I trust myself to fit it on my own. It felt a little 'claustrophobic' with the pockets on and with straps running across the chest! I don't think I'd use it without the pockets though, as for me it would defeat the purpose of it. What I found interesting is that I was told that there was no real weight limit of items put into the balance packs. Load them up as much as possible which is what I tried, and it really didn't have the weight on the shoulders compared to a traditional pack.
It's all about the fitting though and with so many straps it might take some tinkering to get them right. There's an aluminium stay in the back which was bent for the shape of my spine as well, so I think I got some reasonable service in the store!
I'll be using it in the next couple of weeks, so I'll get back to this once I've tried it on an actual hike 🙂
My wife just asked if I was reading that funny guys blog again! She always knows when I check your blog from the giggling that goes on.
Great news on the new camera, and I'm disappointed for your AAWT plan change….. But the Larapinta will be awesome!
Looking forward to any trip reports wherever they be.
Hi Darren, I'm glad you can get a laugh, as this crap I put together is hard work! It's got to the stage that if I can't think of something ludicrous per post then it's a failure!
Yeah, AAWT sucks a little. It's disappointing as I had all the time I ever needed lined up and I'd done a lot of planning. I was aiming to start doing food drops at the start of March, but those bloody fires wouldn't go away. It's a bummer, but it's something to think about down the track. Mind you, Larapinta has been on the radar for decades, so it's overdue!
Congratulations on the new toys! I'm sure that camera will give you a lot of pleasure along with the odd stiff neck! But that weight should be nicely offset by the new pack.
That map is pretty ominous. Soon there won't be much of Victoria left to hike in, so it's probably good you're heading a bit further afield!
No individual clouds here today to enjoy – just a solid mass of grey. Not sure if there's a chapter on that in your guidebook!
Walking's been on hold a bit during the Melbourne heatwave, so I haven't had a chance to really give the camera a go. Mind you, the heatwave was last weekend, today it's freezing and I think we've got your cloud cover as well! I think it's a Stratocumulus sort of a day!
Those fires sucked and they killed people as well. Since the 2009 fires it's made me reassess walking in areas during high fire danger. Best to wait a few months in my thinking. I think your blog is giving me too many ideas about heading further afield to somewhere like the States. Stop posting so many nice photos!
"Actually, it's just over 1.5 kg which I can handle on a daywalk, but it's unlikely to come along on a weekly jaunt."
Yeah… give it some time. You'll see.
(For the anecdote – about 2 years ago, I bought a small compact camera to avoid carrying my full 'crazy photomaniac' gear on multiday tramps in New Zealand. I now carry my 7D + 10-22mm and 50mm lenses on every single tramp. Sometimes I toss in the 100-400mm as well, just for the heck of it. Yep. Give it some time. Madness will come.)
PS – finding it annoying to have to "comment as" with accounts I either don't have or don't use. Any chance of being able to just comment with a name/email, or sign in through Facebook/Twitter (evil!)? 🙂
Hi there, thanks for dropping by.
Yes, I'm definitely a DSLR bloke and nearly the entire blog's photos are via that sort of camera. I just can't decide between Canon and Nikon! I'm usually taking a Canon 550D for hikes as I quite like the lighter weight. Believe it or not, but I do have a 7D, but my son uses it now, as the weight drove me a little mental. Plus I dropped it on my toe on one walk and thought I'd broken it! The only thing I don't like is the CF cards and the cost of extra batteries! I have gone nuts on eBay lately and bought some new batteries, so I think I have enough to last the Larapinta Trail. Wait and see I guess! I'm not sure about lugging a 100-400mm along. That sounds a bit intense! Then again, there's being so many occasions where I see a bird and wish I had a lens with some muscle to capture them rather than relying on cropping a picture to hell 🙂
Believe it or not, I'm about to change the comment system! I'm looking at switching to Disqus and see how that goes. Yes, the Blogger method is a bit average. Hopefully Disqus will improve the commenting! If you drop by again hopefully you'll see the difference!
Cloud Appreciation Society? CLOUD APPRECIATION SOCIETY??? That mastercard is going to get a hammering tonight.
Thanks for making my life richer! Whooooohoooooooooo!!!!
Suzie Otherwiseknownasanonymous
Yes, it's nerd heaven! I've still got my certificate on my mantelpiece in the lounge 🙂