It was day six since we'd started this hike, way back at the Walls of Jerusalem. With a bit of pain, we'd successfully crossed from the Walls to the Overland Track and were now on our way to the finish …
Category: TAS
Du Cane Hut to Pelion, Overland Track, Tasmania
The temperature was freezing overnight and it was certainly hard to get going the next day. Du Cane Hut is rudimentary, but it did its job after our arrival in the dark. Again, we probably slept in, but there was …
Du Cane Hut via Never Never, Tasmania
As you can see by the photo above, it was interesting walking through the Never Never. First though, let's go back to the beginning of the day. It was a great night spent at Lake Meston Hut. A nice fire …
Lake Ball Hut to Lake Meston Hut, Walls of Jerusalem
The day started out sunny and chilly, which felt perfect for hiking. Our aim was to walk from Lake Ball Hut to Lake Meston Hut via Lake Adelaide. So the theme for the morning would be 'lake side walking'. Lakes …