Mountain Huts Preservation Society Calendar 2016

Yes, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. That’s very much a calendar above. I’ll get back to it in a minute, as firstly I’ll bring you up to date with what’s been happening.

As you know, a couple of weeks ago I switched from Blogger to WordPress. Since then I’ve been revamping and rejigging a number of old posts who didn’t take the migration too well. It’s been a little time consuming, but I seem to be getting there.

I’ve been building a half-baked index on the sidebar, which will do for the time being. I’m also getting my head around the category/tag business, which is done a bit differently here compared to Blogger.

As it is, I think the transfer has gone okay? I’ve learned a few lessons along the way. Firstly, if you’re blogging, don’t be an idiot like I’ve been and include dozens of links within posts. I added millions, just for the hell of it and have found most are dead. So, I’ve been trawling through old entries and fixing them.

I’m also going to minimise linking to any equipment, as without fail, the particular product has been discontinued, changed name or they’ve gone out of business. I think I only found two links relating to gear where the links work or at least go to some place.

Oh, I’m down to 75 ‘404’ errors relating to blog posts now, which is vast improvement on 269 a week ago. Slowly, I think Google is finding I’ve moved. If not, well, that’s a bummer.

I’m aiming to have a walking post or two in a week or so, but first I should mention the Mountain Huts Preservation Society Calendar 2016. A few months ago, Margaret Howe, from the Mountain Huts Preservation Society Tasmania, contacted me in relation to using one of my photos for their forthcoming calendar.

It’s a non-profit organisation and I was only too happy in letting her utilise the picture. Does this particular image look familiar?


The savvy blog follower will notice it’s the same photo I highlighted in my previous post. It’s Kitchen Hut of course and I took the picture during my Overland Track hike in September 2010.

In one way it’s quite interesting, as I took it on my trusty old Panasonic compact, which is quite rudimentary compared to what I lug around these days. Mind you, the compact was the only camera I had back then and it accompanied me on all my long hikes around that time. Not to mention, it produced a number of photos I don’t think I could better with the expensive DSLR I carry around now.

Regarding the calendar, it’s well put together and contains a bit of information about each particular hut, which features for each month. This info is inside and on the back. Look, I’ll show you what I mean.


As you can see, the theme of the calendar this year is winter and there are some nice photos inside. It makes me wonder why I haven’t gone to hike in Tasmania for years? The place is walking nirvana.

If you’re interested in purchasing a calendar, it’s probably best to contact Margaret at the mountain huts websiteΒ or at their Facebook page, which seems to be updated regularly.

As for me, normal service (whatever that is) will be resumed here in a week or so. I’ve almost beaten a virus, which I seem to have had for the past two months. I think the affliction it’s dished out is a new world record for longevity.

Is there anything else? I’m sure there was, but I’ve forgotten. Maybe I’ll remember for next time. It’s probably best to sign off with another view of Kitchen Hut again…?
