I’ve got a few problems with night photography.
Firstly, during summer with its accompanying daylight saving, the sky doesn’t really get dark enough until about 10 pm. By then, I’m contemplating putting on my night gown, as I’m feeling a little sleepy.
Secondly, if the stars are covered by a blanket of cloud, then the pictures just look like daytime. Except weird.
It may look weird but I still think it's beautiful, especially the star-shaped lights which replace the stars that are hidden by clouds. 🙂
This is true, plus it's easy to avoid star trails from long exposures when there are only clouds overhead 🙂
I like the contrast of the lights and the reflected light of the rail line. Here in winter (Christmas) it is dark by 5'sh, which makes hiking tricky, but does wonders for Christmas lights, they make so much more sense here.
I go through stages of dabbling in night photography and I can't really remember doing it in summer before. Now I know why! Way too late for the light to be out of the sky. Dark at 5ish is a lot more ideal! Maybe in six months time I'll give it another proper go.